Plugin API

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Mineserver uses a C-plugin API which is described in this page.

Creating a plugin

You will need to include plugin_api.h to your project.

...write some more stuff here...

Example plugin structure:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

#include "../src/plugin_api.h"
#include "../src/logtype.h"

#define PLUGIN_VERSION 1.0
double pluginVersion = PLUGIN_VERSION;

#define PLUGIN_NAME "pressurplate"
const char* pluginName = PLUGIN_NAME;

const char* logSource = "plugin.screen";
mineserver_pointer_struct* mineserver;

 PLUGIN_API_EXPORT void CALLCONVERSION pressurplate_init(mineserver_pointer_struct* mineserver_temp)
  mineserver = mineserver_temp;

  if (mineserver->plugin.getPluginVersion(pluginName) > 0)
    mineserver->logger.log(LogType::LOG_INFO, logSource, "The " PLUGIN_NAME " plugin is already loaded");

  mineserver->logger.log(LogType::LOG_INFO, logSource, "Loaded " PLUGIN_NAME);
  mineserver->plugin.setPluginVersion(pluginName, pluginVersion);


PLUGIN_API_EXPORT void CALLCONVERSION pressurplate_shutdown(void)
  if (mineserver->plugin.getPluginVersion(pluginName) <= 0)
    mineserver->logger.log(LogType::LOG_INFO, logSource, PLUGIN_NAME " is not loaded!");
  mineserver->logger.log(LogType::LOG_INFO, logSource, PLUGIN_NAME " has been unloaded!");

Available functions



Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
sendmsgTo user const char* Username in null Terminated char array
msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value bool, telling it the user was found
Sends a message to specified user

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
sendmsg msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value bool, telling it the user was found
Sends a message to all players, except they are in DND mode

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
sendUserList user const char* User in null terminated char array
Return value bool, telling it the user was found
Sends the playerlist to user


Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
log msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value void
Prints message to server window


Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
createPickupSpawn x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
conut int How many to spawn(1-64)
health int item health. 0 is max health, max value depends on the item
user const char* Username
Return value void
Spawns an item at (x,y,z) with type,count and health specified. If "user" is set, he will not be able to pick up the item right away to make it possible to throw stuff away.

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setTime timeValue int value between 0 and 2400
Return value bool
Sets server time to timeValue
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getSpawn x int* x-coordinate
y int* y-coordinate
z int* z-coordinate
Return value void
Gets server spawn position
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getBlock x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
type unsigned char* block type
meta unsigned char* block metadata
Return value bool
Get block type and metadata (absolute block coordinates) in first world (id 0)
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getBlockW x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
w int World ID
type unsigned char* block type
meta unsigned char* block metadata
Return value bool
Gets block type and metadata (absolute block coordinates)
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setBlock x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
type unsigned char block type
meta unsigned char block metadata
Return value bool
Set block type and metadata (absolute block coordinates)
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setBlockW x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
w int World ID
type unsigned char* block type
meta unsigned char* block metadata
Return value bool
Sets block type and metadata (absolute block coordinates)
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setSpawn x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
Return value bool
Set spawn to x, y, z (absolute coordinates)

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
saveWholeMap void
Return value void
Saves the whole map to disk

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getMapData_block x int x-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
Return value unsigned char*

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getMapData_meta x int x-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
Return value unsigned char*

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getMapData_skylight x int x-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
Return value unsigned char*

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getMapData_blocklight x int x-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
Return value unsigned char*

User Functions

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
toggleDND user const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, indicates if user was found
Toggles the DND (Do not Disturb)-Mode of a user
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getPosition user const char* Username in null terminated char array
x double* x-coordinate
y double* y-coordinate
z double* z-coordinate
yaw float* yaw-Value
pitch float* pitch-Value
*stance double stance-Value
Return value bool, true if user has been found
Finds a player and stores its info in the referenced variables
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getPosition user const char* Username in null terminated char array
x double* x-coordinate
y double* y-coordinate
z double* z-coordinate
w int* World ID
yaw float* yaw-Value
pitch float* pitch-Value
*stance double stance-Value
Return value bool, true if user has been found
Finds a player and stores its info in the referenced variables
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
teleport user const char* Username in null terminated char array
x double* x-coordinate
y double* y-coordinate
z double* z-coordinate
Return value bool, true if user was found
Teleports a user to x,y,z
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
teleport user const char* Username in null terminated char array
x double* x-coordinate
y double* y-coordinate
z double* z-coordinate
map int Map ID
Return value bool, true if user was found
Teleports a user to x,y,z on map

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setHealth user const char* Username in null terminated char array
userHealth int Health of user. Must not be greater than 20.
Return value bool, true if user is not null
Sets the health of a user.

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getHealth user const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value int, player's health
Gets the health of a user

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
no paramters int, number of players online
Return value Gets the number of players online
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getItemInHand user const char* Username in null terminated char array
*type int Type of item
*meta int Health of item
*quant int quantity of item
Return value bool, true if user was found
Gets the item in the hand of user
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setItemInHand user const char* Username in null terminated char array
type int Type of item
meta int Health of item
quant int quantity of item, must not be greater than 64
Return value bool, true if user was found
Sets the item in the hand of user
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
addItem user const char* Username in null terminated char array
type int Type of item
meta int Health of item
quant int quantity of item, must not be greater than 64
Return value bool, true if user was found
Adds the item to the user's inventory
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
hasItem user const char* Username in null terminated char array
type int Type of item
meta int Health of item
quant int quantity of item, must not be greater than 64
Return value bool, true if the item is in Users inventory. Chests are unchecked.
Checks if item is in user's inventory
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
delItem user const char* Username in null terminated char array
type int Type of item
meta int Health of item
quant int quantity of item, must not be greater than 64
Return value bool, true if user was found
Delets the item quantity times from the user's inventory. Chests are untouched.

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
kick user const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user is found
Kicks user with standard reason "You have been kicked"

Config wrapper functions

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
has name const char* name of the config string
Return value bool, true if config string was found
Checks if the config string name exists in the configuration file

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
iData name const char* name of the config string
Return value int
Gets integer data from configuration string name

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
lData name const char* name of the config string
Return value int64_t
Gets long (int64_t) data from configuration string name

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
fData name const char* name of the config string
Return value float
Gets float data from configuration string name

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
dData name const char* name of the config string
Return value double
Gets double data from configuration string name

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
sData name const char* name of the config string
Return value const char*
Gets string (char*) data from configuration string name

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
bData name const char* name of the config string
Return value bool
Gets bool data from configuration string name



Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setAdmin name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user was found
Makes user to a server administrator, providing him with full permissions.

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setOp name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user was found
Makes user to a server Operator

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setMember name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user was found
Makes user to a regular member

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setGuest name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user was found
Makes user to a guest

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
isAdmin name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user is admin
Checks, if user is a server administrator

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
isOp name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user is operator
Checks, if user is a server Operator

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
isMember name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user is member
Checks, if user is a regular member

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Guest name const char* Username in null terminated char array
Return value bool, true if user is guest
Checks, if user is a guest

Available callbacks

Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Timer200 no params
Return value bool, isn't used
200ms timer callback
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Timer1000 no params
Return value bool, isn't used
1000ms (1s) timer callback
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Timer10000 no params
Return value bool, isn't used
10s timer callback
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
PlayerChatPre user const char* Username in null terminated char array
timestamp size_t time of the message
msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value bool
called on chat message processing, returning false will terminate the callback.
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
PlayerChatCommand user const char* Username in null terminated char array
command const char* command
argc int argument count
arguments const char** list of arguments
Return value bool
called when chat command is used
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
BlockPlacePre user const char* Username in char array
x int32_t x-coord
y int8_t y-coord
z int32_t z-coord
block int16_t block type
direction int8_t placement direction
Return value bool
called on block placement, returning false will prevent block placement and terminate callback.
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
BlockBreakPre user const char* Username in char array
x int x-coord
y int y-coord
z int z-coord
Return value bool
called on block break, returning false will prevent block breaking and terminate callback.


   setHook("PlayerLoginPre", new Hook2<bool,const char*,char***>);
   setHook("PlayerLoginPost", new Hook1<bool,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerNickPost", new Hook2<bool,const char*,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerKickPost", new Hook2<bool,const char*,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerQuitPost", new Hook1<bool,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerChatPost", new Hook3<bool,const char*,time_t,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerArmSwing", new Hook1<bool,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerDamagePre", new Hook3<bool,const char*,const char*,int>);
   setHook("PlayerDamagePost", new Hook3<bool,const char*,const char*,int>);
   setHook("PlayerDisconnect", new Hook3<bool,const char*,uint32,uint16>);
   setHook("PlayerDiggingStarted", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("PlayerDigging", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("PlayerDiggingStopped", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockBreakPre", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockBreakPost", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockNeighbourBreak", new Hook7<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockPlacePre", new Hook5<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16>);
   setHook("BlockPlacePost", new Hook5<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16>);
   setHook("BlockNeighbourPlace", new Hook7<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockReplacePost", new Hook6<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16,sint16>);
   setHook("BlockNeighbourReplace", new Hook9<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16,sint16>);