My name is Sean Olig.
- Location
Currently: Platteville, Wisconsin, United States studying software engineering.
- Server management experience
I don't have a lot experience writing servers besides for class which is currently all in java.
Most of the time though I am the one running game servers during lan parties. Most of the time TF2, Alien Swarm, CS:S, and the list goes on.
I do however manage a few websites and their development but they don't have anything to intricate.
- Programming experience
I started programming around the rise of Neopets popularity. They had a customizable store front which was editable though html and css. Now I have experience with: java, c++, php, ajax, mysql, and a bit of perl. I am currently in the process of writing a session management system for the gaming that is held within one of my organization on campus in php.
I have only 1 year of C++ in college (very basic so far) so I am not that fast but I do test what I write probably more then a few lines of code need to be.
- Age (if you dare)
I am currently 19.
- Possibly other hobbies
Soccer, TF2, using linux ( don't know the environment well enough yet), learning atmosphere of open source and the knowledge I have already learned.
It has also started snowing at my location yesterday.