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Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by Nredor on April 03, 2012, 01:29:21 pm »
Mineserver1 is working with current client ;)
Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by Nepstar on March 19, 2012, 06:34:38 pm »
Same for me related to other things in mind. :-) But anyway, if there are some guys who can continue the project it would be great.
Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by ellisgl on March 19, 2012, 06:26:24 pm »
Yeah my C/C++ skills are OK, but not good enough for a project like this. If this was PHP or Javascript (NodeJS) I would think about helping, but I have a lot of other things going on. =/
Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by Nepstar on March 19, 2012, 11:04:36 am »
I was just thinking about Mineserver 2.0 and noticed no code has been added since January.  :(

That's why I'm asking. Seems nobody has the time or interest to continue developing..?
In this case, how about a new dev team? Who's got which skills? I'm system engineer and web application developer...
Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by ellisgl on March 16, 2012, 03:30:41 am »
I was just thinking about Mineserver 2.0 and noticed no code has been added since January.  :(
Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by Fador on March 14, 2012, 04:43:22 pm »
How about today? Definitively dead? Nobody who has the time to develop? I just saw that the last beta release was a longer time ago... if this server is really for low ressource servers, it sounds really nice!

Well I was able to make Mineserver 1 compatible with the Minecraft 1.2 client a while ago. Check for latest activity ;)
Yeah there doesn't seem to be too many people who could help and have enough time =) And I'd say that mineserver would hold easily 100+ users with some basic home computer, altough Redstone stuff is not implemented at all.

Does the project need donations? Who's the contact person?

Donations are always welcome, I'm the one who receives them if using the paypal link on the front page (and I run the server this site is hosted at) ;) But donating doesn't really affect the development too much because it's not the money we are short's time =)
Discussion / Re: Is Mineserver dead?
« Last post by Nepstar on March 14, 2012, 10:31:24 am »
How about today? Definitively dead? Nobody who has the time to develop? I just saw that the last beta release was a longer time ago... if this server is really for low ressource servers, it sounds really nice!
Does the project need donations? Who's the contact person?

Thanks in advance. :-)
Off Topic / Re: Test
« Last post by karelm on January 21, 2012, 10:09:44 pm »

Posted with Tapatalk on iPhone
Discussion / Re: Raspberry Pi on Minerserver 2.0?
« Last post by Timatooth on January 11, 2012, 12:14:31 pm »
Im pretty excited to own a Raspberry Pi  ;D I doubt it would be difficult getting it up and running.  Endianness comes to mind - that might have to be handled differently.

I would be more worried about memory though since its only 256MB the Pi has.

News / Re: Mineserver 2.0 - New look, same great taste!
« Last post by Timatooth on January 11, 2012, 12:07:01 pm »
Hopefully when deoxxa starts committing again. He is in Japan as far as I know.
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