The best API would be some kind of integration with the new Bukkit server API. Then you'd instantly get access to 100's of plugins.
Instant access to 100's of plug-ins + Bukkit's horrible Quality Assurance, and attitude.
So far Mineserver seems leaps and bounds beyond Bukkit in maturity alone, and that by itself will reflect in the difference in professionalism that I believe will be reflected in the Mineserver project over Bukkit, which is pretty chaotic, immature, and totally oblivious to the needs of the community or server admins as demonstrated by the lack of any vector for the community of large servers that exist "herocraft, godcraft, etc..) to supply direct and critical feedback about bugs they are all experiencing to the developers at Bukkit - and that just does not work.
Taking a week to accept testimony AKA complaints from major servers complaining on a log-in/out lag bug is 6 days too many. And nothing proves more of what I am saying than one simple glance at the Bukkit Forums main page - Not a single sub-forum for posting bugs. Oh but wait, you may say there is some JIRA or something like that...Sorry regular people don't ever follow those and the masses do not, so if you need to get the most information you make it easy for those with that information to give it you. Yes it may be willy nilly and some idjits will just post "IT BROKE MY SERVER" - but many more of us will post the steps, the details, whats repeatably and everything else to help find and eliminate a bug. Something over there just screams "we are working harder, not smarter", and that for any project spells long term failure, guaranteed.
Mineserver hopefully will and should stand alone, no dependencies on an organizational structure outside of themselves influencing the path, dreams, and goals they have for this project, and even suggesting that they run anything in emulation just so that Bukkit can be compatible is crippling this project before it even has had a chance to learn how to walk.
Oh, and uh, Mineserver community...I talk ~alot~ so get your "tl;dr's" ready if you roll like that. I will try to be concise, but i really can't help 
You can post and view bug reports for Bukkit here:
But let's not let the facts get in the way of your rant.
Cue Bukkit Fan Boi.
I actually speak to a few Big Server Admins who told me directly the same gripes...People who have an interest, like me, in running a large and successful server or series of servers - not people who code plugins with the nose up Bukkit's sphincter.
Oh, and how is that "leaky bukkit" project doing?
It did not help when for a week all the major server admins were posting about the log in and log out lag that everyone was experiencing, and in fact it was denied by Bukkit for a week.
OH my gosh, lookee here - A bukkit plugin dev in a post throwing a major temper tantrum full of cursing et al and with no infractions placed on his account...I wonder why.. Anyways, he is pretty pissed - along with 10+ others over this bug being ignored by Bukkit - Leaky Bukkit - your great place to post bugs instead of ranting..
Go read and learn for yourself brown-nose boy:
Now Mr. Minecart Maniaman, you go read those threads, tell your fellow Bukkit devs to stop cursing up a storm and to just enhance their calm aka "stop ranting" (as we know you don't like rants, but don't let that stop you from telling only me that) and to post it the Leaky Bukkit their problems instead of makign Bukkit look bad, mismanaged, and as usual completely unprofessional.
Ahh, yes, you won't have anything to say in that thread to someone
speaking cursing up a storm like that - throwing a SuperRant in the forum you sit in most...But yet you will do your lil useless fan boi post and direct me to Leaky Bukkit of Bull.
It's called Leaky for a reason totally unreleated to what i believe was their original intentions.
But let's not let any tree's in the forest get in the way of you running straight ahead full speed.