I will probably read
them, but i will certainly not waste more time replying to your trolling.
Trolling is a term grossly over-used on the net these days by people who have nothing better to do than scream "assailant".
Perhaps i was being a tad bitchy, since guys love to wield that word as if it can actually hurt. But, here is the Urban Dictionary definition of "Trolling".
Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness. However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such. Nearly all trolled statements are meant to be funny to some people, so it does have some social/entertainment value.I did none of those things. Of course if you wish to say that calling you "lacking in knowledge" or saying you "don't care to read", etc, is trolling, well then, i have a questioNL When is a persons opinion on an issue not considered trolling and how saccharin sweet must a post be that disagrees with a person to stop them from crying out "TROLLING"?