This is a collection of basic rules and essential information for successful participation in the Mineserver community.
Information here is brief, subject to change and required knowledge for all users, so please do keep yourself updated on it.
Accepted forum content, listed by forumMineserver News - Official announcements regarding Mineserver. Only administrators can post new topics.
Mineserver Discussion - General discussion on Mineserver. Found something you like? Want to find out what your fellow users are doing with Mineserver? Need some inspiration for your next Mineserver-related project? This is the forum for you.
Mineserver Development - If you want to bounce some ideas around in relation to the development of the Mineserver core, or if you have questions about the internal workings of the main application, this is where they belong.
Mineserver Plugins - Have you written an awesome plugin? Do you want someone else to write an awesome plugin? Have you found an awesome plugin somewhere else? Get posting!
Mineserver Servers - Feel free to advertise/support your server here. Only for servers that are running Mineserver!
Mineserver Support - If you're having trouble getting Mineserver running or you think you can help someone else achieve their dreams of running a copy, post about it here. If you find that you've encountered an actual bug, it would be
very much appreciated if you made a post on the issue tracker as well.
Off Topic Discussion - Anything that doesn't fit in the above categories.
RulesAside from common courtesy, there are only a couple of extra rules to be observed here.
1) Don't distribute any copyrighted materials or piece thereof without explicit
documented permission from the copyright holders, either in the form of a license or an equivalent written statement of permission.
2) Try to keep threads on topic. If a discussion turns in an interesting direction, but begins to diverge from the original topic, it's time to start a new thread. Moderators will occasionally split threads if this happens.