Any news on when it will be good enough to make an official release? 
No hard dates right now, but I'm going on holidays from work in a couple of weeks and I plan to spend a good chunk of time on the project. It'll be faster if/when more people join in

Any chance you're going to implement plugin support so people like me could start from simpler things?
Definitely! As soon as I have a somewhat solid base working, that'll be the next step.
I'm planning on using ZeroMQ to implement a plugin interface so you can write code in any language with a ZeroMQ binding. That way anyone can join in the fun, and if something is deemed important enough, an organic process consisting of "people with C/C++ skills think this needs to be implemented in C/C++" will see it ported in a timeframe directly relative to how many people like it.
I actually plan to use it to prototype things in Javascript via Node.JS and node-zmq, then port them to C++ as required.
There's a few things left to get the core operational right now:
- Map generation
- Chunk sending
- Lighting
- Entity management
- Block manipulation
- Physics
- Chunk storage roughly that order.
I wrote a rudimentary "flatlands" map generator today, and am currently porting the 1.0 NBT code to work with 2.0's library setup. Hopefully this will achieve completion of the first two points, though I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to finish the NBT stuff off (it's getting late here in Melbourne!).
Lighting is a solved problem - we have working code in 1.0 that can be ported pretty easily.
So yeah, progress is coming along, albeit slowly right now.