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Author Topic: Mineserver Compiled on Raspberry Pi without a hitch and WORKS! Minecraft 1.3.1  (Read 26858 times)


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It took quite a while but here is the output of the build  :)

Code: [Select]
pi@raspberrypi ~/src/mineserver/bin $ ./mineserver
Parser opening file /home/pi/src/mineserver/bin/config.cfg
Parser opening file /home/pi/src/mineserver/bin/item_alias.cfg
mineserver.cpp:251::Mineserver(): Using config: /home/pi/src/mineserver/bin/config.cfg
[11:52:30] mineserver.cpp:289::Mineserver(): Welcome to Mineserver v0.1.18 (Alpha)
[11:52:30] mineserver.cpp:290::Mineserver(): Using zlib 1.2.7 libevent 2.0.19-stable
[11:52:30] mineserver.cpp:292::Mineserver(): Generating RSA key pair for protocol encryption
[11:52:31] mineserver.cpp:300::Mineserver(): RSA key pair generated.
[11:52:31] mineserver.cpp:333::Mineserver(): ServerID: 93cfbe92c73bbbeb
[11:52:31] Plugin: Loading: plugins/
[11:52:31] plugin.commands: Loaded commands!
[11:52:31] Plugin: Loading: plugins/
[11:52:31] plugin.filelog: Loaded Filelog
[11:52:31] plugin.filelog: Logging to mineserver.log
[11:52:31] plugin.filelog: Logging chat to mineserver_chat.log
[11:52:31] Plugin: Loading: plugins/
[11:52:31] plugin.flatpermissions: Loaded flatpermissions!
[11:52:31] Plugin: Loading: plugins/
[11:52:31] plugin.nBreak: Loaded nBreak!
[11:52:31] Plugin: Loading: plugins/
[11:52:31] plugin.nether: Loaded nether!
[11:52:31] Plugin: Loading: plugins/
[11:52:31] plugin.passiveMobs: Loaded passiveMobs!
[11:52:31] map.cpp:228::init(): Using world: A-world
[11:52:31] Map: Warning: Map directory not found, creating it now.
[11:52:31] Map: Warning: level.dat not found, creating it now.
[11:52:31] Map: No Trees in level.dat, creating..
[11:52:31] mineserver.cpp:514::run(): Generating spawn area...
[11:52:46] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 11/121 done. 1305ms per chunk
[11:52:46] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 22/121 done. 69ms per chunk
[11:52:47] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 33/121 done. 66ms per chunk
[11:52:58] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 44/121 done. 944ms per chunk
[11:53:00] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 55/121 done. 174ms per chunk
[11:53:00] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 66/121 done. 63ms per chunk
[11:53:02] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 77/121 done. 125ms per chunk
[11:53:03] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 88/121 done. 90ms per chunk
[11:53:04] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 99/121 done. 129ms per chunk
[11:53:06] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 110/121 done. 159ms per chunk
[11:53:12] mineserver.cpp:549::run(): 121/121 done. 519ms per chunk
[11:53:12] Map: Spawn area ready!
[11:53:12] mineserver.cpp:622::run(): Listening on:
[11:53:12] mineserver.cpp:633::run():

Connecting, breaking/placing blocks and chat all work fine. When generating new chunks it uses about 97% CPU and constantly stays at about 46% memory usage. If you stand in one place only 1.6% cpu usage. Meaning as long as chunks aren't being generated, its perfectly playable.

It might be possible to add a throttle to limit the chunk generation to a certain radius to remove the issue completely.

If you want to try install Mineserver your Raspberry Pi check out the article I've written.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 10:24:25 am by Timatooth »


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Nice! Now I really want to get me a pi board. Have you tried it with more players yet? Would you consider it playable? I have been looking for this for a long time, I want to have a server that hardly uses power and generates little heat. Have you tried changing the config yet to get better performance?

EDIT: Looked at what you wrote in the wiki. See you are using raspbian, you should try gentoo with on it (Try everything to squeeze performance out of it.) try to run it in command line only and then allocate the rest of the ram that you get out of it to the cpu rather than the gpu. Also gentoo linux also supports armhf and has a smaller memory footprint.


Gentoo Linux Memory footprint: ~23 MiB
Raspbian Memory footprint: ~30 MiB w/o desktop

« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 09:04:16 pm by Thoquz »


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Hi Thoquz,

The tests were performed with the GUI not set to start. I haven't really used gentoo before but was thinking about installing arch to see if there is any difference in performance.

I tested it with two players and it was initially slow (either generation or loading chunk files from the storage). I did plan to do some tweaking to the configuration and code but never got around to it  :-\

Ill have to read up on how to change how memory is allocated to userspace/gpu too as I was not aware you could do this.


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Sorry for bumping an old topic, but has anyone else had the error when it attempts to bind to , but then fails. If so, did you fix it?


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I haven't compiled mineserver on rpi for a while. I'm on holiday at the moment and don't have access to one.  Is there any error output when it tries to start/compile etc? Edit: it might not be starting because there was already an instance of mineserver.

Code: [Select]
ps -e |grep mineserver
Would show if its already running.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 07:02:31 am by Timatooth »