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For all players

Command Description
/players, /who Lists online players
/about Server name & version
/rules Show server rules
/home Teleports player to map spawn location
/kit <name> Gives kit. Items for kit defined in config.cfg with kit_<name> using item id's
/motd Display Message Of The Day
/dnd Do Not Disturb - toggles whether the player receives chat & private messages
/emote, /em, /e, /me Emote
/whisper, /w, /tell, /t Send a private message to another player

Admin only

Command Description
%text Servermessage
&text Admin-only message
/kick <player> [reason] Kicks <player> with optional kick message
/ban <player> [reason] Bans (and kicks if online) <player> from server
/unban <player> Lift a ban
/save Manually save map to disc
/ctp <x> <y> <z> Teleport to coordinates (eg. /ctp 100 100 100)
/tp <player> Teleport yourself to <player>'s position
/tp <player1> <player2> Teleport <player1> to <player2>
/reload Reload admins and configuration
/give <player> <id/alias> [count] Gives <player> [count] pieces of <id/alias>. By default [count] = 1. Supports over 64 items. Aliases configurable in item_alias.cfg
/rules <player> Shows server rules (from rules.txt) to <player>
/gps [player] Without [player] shows own coordinates & heading. With [player] shows [player]'s coordinates & heading
/settime Sets server time.
/mute <player> [reason] Mutes <player> with optional message
/unmute <player> Unmutes <player>
/regen Regenerates lightning
/sethealth <player> <health> Set <player>'s health. <health> = 0-20