Plugin API

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Mineserver uses a C-plugin API which is described in this page.

Creating a plugin

You will need to include plugin_api.h to your project.

...write some more stuff here...

Example plugin structure:

 #include "plugin_api.h"
 #define PLUGIN_VERSION 1.0
 std::string dtos( double n )
   std::ostringstream result;
   result << n;
   return result.str();
 mineserver_pointer_struct* mineserver;
 std::string pluginName = "command";
 PLUGIN_API_EXPORT void (plugin_name)_init(mineserver_pointer_struct* mineserver_temp)
   mineserver = mineserver_temp;
   if (mineserver->plugin.getPluginVersion(pluginName.c_str()) > 0)
     std::string msg="command is already loaded v." +dtos(mineserver->plugin.getPluginVersion(pluginName.c_str()));
   std::string msg="Loaded "+pluginName+"!";
   mineserver->plugin.setPluginVersion(pluginName.c_str(), PLUGIN_COMMAND_VERSION);
   mineserver->callback.add_hook("ChatPre", (void *)SOMEFUNCTIONNAME);
   mineserver->callback.add_hook("BlockPlacePre", (void *)SOMEFUNCTIONNAME2);
 PLUGIN_API_EXPORT void (plugin_name)_shutdown(void)
   if (mineserver->plugin.getPluginVersion(pluginName.c_str()) <= 0)
     mineserver->screen.log("command is not loaded!"));

Available functions



Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
sendmsgTo user const char* Username in null terminated char array
msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value bool, telling it the user was found
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
sendmsg msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value bool, telling it the user was found


Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
log msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value void
Prints message to server window


Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
createPickupSpawn x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
count int How many to spawn (1-64)
health int item health (0 = full health, max value depends on the item)
user const char* Username
Return value void
Spawns an item at (x,y,z) with type,count and health specified. If "user" is set, he will not be able to pick up the item right away to make it possible to throw stuff away.

Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setTime timeValue int value 0-24000
Return value bool
Sets server time to timeValue, which can be in range 0-24000
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getSpawn x int* x-coordinate
y int* y-coordinate
z int* z-coordinate
Return value void
Gets server spawn position
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
getBlock x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
type unsigned char* block type
meta unsigned char* block metadata
Return value bool
Get block type and metadata (absolute block coordinates)
Function Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
setBlock x int x-coordinate
y int y-coordinate
z int z-coordinate
type unsigned char block type
meta unsigned char block metadata
Return value bool
Set block type and metadata (absolute block coordinates)

Available callbacks

Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Timer200 no params
Return value bool, isn't used
200ms timer callback
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Timer1000 no params
Return value bool, isn't used
1000ms (1s) timer callback
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
Timer10000 no params
Return value bool, isn't used
10s timer callback
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
PlayerChatPre user const char* Username in null terminated char array
timestamp size_t time of the message
msg const char* Message in null terminated char array
Return value bool
called on chat message prosessing, returning false will terminate the callback.
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
BlockPlacePre user const char* Username in char array
x int x-coord
y int y-coord
z int z-coord
block char block type
Return value bool
called on block placement, returning false will prevent block placement and terminate callback.
Name Parameter name Parameter type Parameter info
BlockBreakPre user const char* Username in char array
x int x-coord
y int y-coord
z int z-coord
Return value bool
called on block break, returning false will prevent block breaking and terminate callback.


   setHook("PlayerLoginPre", new Hook2<bool,const char*,char***>);
   setHook("PlayerLoginPost", new Hook1<bool,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerNickPost", new Hook2<bool,const char*,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerKickPost", new Hook2<bool,const char*,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerQuitPost", new Hook1<bool,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerChatPost", new Hook3<bool,const char*,time_t,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerArmSwing", new Hook1<bool,const char*>);
   setHook("PlayerDamagePre", new Hook3<bool,const char*,const char*,int>);
   setHook("PlayerDamagePost", new Hook3<bool,const char*,const char*,int>);
   setHook("PlayerDisconnect", new Hook3<bool,const char*,uint32,uint16>);
   setHook("PlayerDiggingStarted", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("PlayerDigging", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("PlayerDiggingStopped", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockBreakPre", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockBreakPost", new Hook4<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockNeighbourBreak", new Hook7<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockPlacePre", new Hook5<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16>);
   setHook("BlockPlacePost", new Hook5<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16>);
   setHook("BlockNeighbourPlace", new Hook7<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint32,sint8,sint32>);
   setHook("BlockReplacePost", new Hook6<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16,sint16>);
   setHook("BlockNeighbourReplace", new Hook9<bool,const char*,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint32,sint8,sint32,sint16,sint16>);